(C80) [SPLUSH WAVE] 究極幻想麻雀PLUS (ファイナルファンタジー) [無修正]

Characters: aerith gainsborough,agrias oaks,ashelia bnargin dalmasca,ayla,beatrix,celes chere,cloud of darkness,elena,faris scherwiz,fran,freya crescent,garnet til alexandros xvii | dagger,gilgamesh,krile mayer baldesion,lenna charlotte tycoon,lightning | claire farron,lisa pacifist,lucca ashtear,lulu,marle,oerba dia vanille,paine,penelo,porom,prishe,quistis trepe,refia,relm arrowny,riesz,rikku,rinoa heartilly,rosa farrell,rydia,selphie tilmitt,terra branford,tifa lockhart,ultimecia,yuffie kisaragi,yuna
posted: 12 years ago
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